Terms of service

All services provided by Hostereo must be used solely for lawful purposes. Any transmission, storage, or presentation of information, data, or material that violates any federal, state, or city laws of Israel and/or the United States is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, material protected by trade secret and other statutes. The subscriber agrees to defend and indemnify Hostereo against any claims arising from the use of the service that causes harm to the subscriber or any other party.

All services provided by Hostereo must be used solely for lawful purposes. Any transmission, storage, or presentation of information, data, or material that violates any federal, state, or city laws of Israel and/or the United States is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, material protected by trade secret and other statutes. The subscriber agrees to defend and indemnify Hostereo against any claims arising from the use of the service that causes harm to the subscriber or any other party.

The use of Hostereo’s services for websites promoting illegal activities or containing potentially damaging content to Hostereo servers or any other servers on the Internet is strictly prohibited. Similarly, links to such materials are also not permitted. Examples of unacceptable content or links include pirated software, hacker programs or archives, “warez” sites, illegal drug stores, branded tobacco merchants, child pornography, phishing scams, and copyrighted content (audio, video, and images).

NOTICE: If it is discovered that your account contains illegal activity, illegal pharmacy websites, MP3 files, illegal movies, pirated software, hacker programs, warez programs, spam-advertised websites, or any other illegal files, your account will be terminated immediately without notice and a $50.00 cancellation fee will be applied. In addition, Hostereo may be required to notify the proper authorities of your actions according to the laws of the state of Israel.

Traffic Usage

All account plans come with a predetermined amount of traffic allowance.


We do not allow IRC or IRC bots to be operated on our servers.

Server Abuse

Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Hostereo is strictly prohibited. As our customer you are responsible for all your accounts. Should you violate the Terms of Services outlined within, your account will be cancelled without chance of refund.

Refusal of Service

We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or suspend service, at our sole discretion.

All sub-networks, distributive hosting sites, virtual and dedicated servers of Hostereo must adhere to the above policies, with the exception of system resources in respect to dedicated servers. We do not provide services to sanctioned territories such as: Afghanistan, Belarus, Burundi, CAR, China, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Ukraine (uncontrolled and/or sanctioned territories), Cuba, DRC, Eritrea, Iran, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, Nicaragua, North Korea, Palestine, Russia, Sudan, Syria. The list of territories and/or countries to which services are not provided is not exhaustive.


By the Account Activation Date of each month, Hostereo shall either:

(1) debit the client’s credit card (when such information has been provided by the client); or

(2) deliver, by e-mail or regular mail, an invoice in accordance with the applicable Service Fees for services rendered for the current month.
When an invoice is delivered to the client, payment shall be remitted to Hostereo by no later than the specified payment due date. Hostereo shall be entitled to immediately terminate this agreement for client’s failure to make timely payments. You will be provided with an invoice on a monthly basis. All credit cards are billed automatically on a monthly basis. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that they have sufficient credit to cover this transaction. In the event that there is insufficient credit, we will send an e-mail notification, at which point we will need to be provided with another credit card account number within 24 hours. If we do not receive a response within 24 hours, the account, and all accounts under that account plan, will be suspended.

(3) Payment method accepted are: PayPal, Visa or credit card.
Monthly payments and renewal fees will be charged at the agreed rate at the time of purchase. You are entitled to cancel the services at any time by accessing your control panel. Upon cancellation, your account will be suspended and you will no longer be able to access our site and/or receive access to services, except in the case of recurring obligations that you have agreed to, which cannot be refunded as permitted by law. If you cancel, you agree that the payments for the first month of services and all setup costs associated with setting up your account (“setup costs”) will not be refunded, except for recurring obligations that have been agreed upon by you. If you have paid upfront fees for a long term period, you are entitled to receive a relative refund for the remaining period after your cancellation, except for the first month of service and all activation costs.

Service Fees

Certain services carry a setup fee charged by Hostereo to client, which must be paid by client in order to have use of said services.
If client terminates this agreement, client shall be responsible for any and all outstanding fees owed to Hostereo and agrees to pay any and all fees incurred by client. Because the services are provided on a monthly basis, the client will be responsible for service fees incurred each month, regardless of when client provides notice of termination.

Thus, for example, if the client provides notice of termination on the 15th day of a particular month, the client will be responsible for service fees for the entire month, and such fees will not be pro-rated or refunded.

Money back guarantee & refund policy

We do not generally refund cancelled contracts. For example, if your contract is quarterly and you request a refund after two months, no refunds will be admitted. No refunds are issued for setup charges, add-on charges, domain-registrations, add-on
purchases, SSL certificates or overage charges. In case of AUP violations, any and all refunds are forfeit.

Cancellation Refunds

We DO NOT refund partial monthly fees to accounts. We require 15 days notice for a cancellation.

Refusal of Service

We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or suspend service, at our sole discretion.

Limitation of Liability

Hostereo shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Hostereo‘ servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever.

Furthermore, Hostereo shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the corruption or deletion of any website from one of Hostereo’s servers. All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.


Violations of these Acceptable Use Policies should be referred to info AT hostereo.com All complaints will be investigated promptly. Failure to follow any term or condition will be grounds for immediate account deactivation.


Hostereo cannot be held liable for system down time, crashes or data loss. We cannot be held liable for any predicated estimate of profits which a client would have gained if their site was functioning. Certain services provided by Hostereo are resold. Thus, certain equipment, routing, software and programming used by Hostereo are not directly owned or written by Hostereo. Moreover, Hostereo holds no responsibility for the use of our clients’ accounts. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions will
result in the automatic deactivation of the account in question. We reserve the right to remove any account, without advance notice for any reason without restitution, as Hostereo sees fit.

Account Activation

By activating your account with Hostereo, you agree to the above policies and disclaimer. Upon requesting activation of an account, you are required to accept these policies, guidelines and disclaimer, and a copy of your acceptance is forwarded along with your activation request to be maintained with your account information.

NOTICE: If you sign up for an account and fail to comply with these terms, no refunds will be given. We will, however, advise you by e-mail or phone prior to taking any action to provide you with an opportunity to correct the problem.

Server Uptime Guarantee

Hostereo guarantees 99.9% service (http, ftp, pop, imap, smtp) uptime on all hosting plans. Should we fail to deliver this for any given calendar month, your account will be refunded a pro-rated amount for the duration of excessive downtime.

Hostereo reserves the right to amend any or all of the above policies, guidelines and disclaimer without notification. We also retain the right to increase any pricing and make changes to our account plans without notification.


Hostereo has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site.

Information Automatically Logged We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. We use this information for no other reason.

Billing information that is collected is used to bill the user for services.

Demographic and profile data is also collected at our site.

We use this data to tailor our visitor’s experience at our site showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

Third Parties


Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact: info AT hostereo.com

Acceptable Use Policy

As a provider of web hosting and other Internet-related services, Hostereo offers its customers (referred to as “Subscribers”) and their customers and users access to a variety of public, private, commercial, and non-commercial information. However, Hostereo reserves the right to take preventive or corrective actions when competing interests are at play. To protect these interests, Hostereo has created an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which outlines the customer’s rights and responsibilities while using Hostereo’s services.

The Internet is not owned or controlled by any one party, which contributes to its openness but also requires those who use it to exercise responsibility and good judgment when acquiring or disseminating information. Hostereo cannot monitor, verify, or be held responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained or shared on the Internet. Subscribers must exercise caution when relying on information from the Internet, as some content may be offensive or inaccurate.

When disseminating information, subscribers must understand that Hostereo does not review, edit, or take responsibility for any information created. Subscribers are responsible for ensuring that their content does not infringe on copyrights, contain defamatory material, or otherwise be harmful. Additionally, as their content may reach a large audience, it may impact Hostereo’s reputation and operations. For these reasons, subscribers are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

Spamming: Sending unsolicited bulk or commercial information over the Internet, which can harm Hostereo’s reputation and disrupt service to other subscribers. A fine of 1000 ILS will be charged for violating this policy, and Hostereo reserves the right to prosecute.

Obscene speech or materials: Advertising, transmitting, or storing child pornography or obscene speech or materials is prohibited.

Defamatory or abusive language: Using Hostereo’s network to transmit negative, defamatory, harassing, abusive, or threatening language.

Forging of headers: Misrepresenting message headers to conceal the origin of a message.

Illegal or unauthorized access to other computers or networks: Illegally accessing or attempting to penetrate another party’s computers, accounts, or networks is prohibited.

Distribution of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other destructive activities: Distributing information about creating or sending viruses, worms, or other destructive activities that disrupt the use of Hostereo’s network or other connected networks is prohibited.

Facilitation of a violation of this AUP: Advertising, transmitting, or making available any software, program, product, or service designed to violate this AUP, including spamming, denial of service attacks, and piracy of software.

Usenet groups: Hostereo reserves the right not to accept postings from newsgroups if they are known to violate the AUP.

Other illegal activities: Engaging in activities that are determined to be illegal, such as advertising or transmitting illegal drugs, gambling information, or promoting hate speech.

Hostereo may take any necessary action to enforce this AUP, including terminating the offending subscriber’s account, reporting the violation to law enforcement, or pursuing legal action. The AUP may be revised from time to time, and subscribers are responsible for staying informed of any updates.

Hostereo requires its subscribers who provide internet services to others to adhere to all relevant privacy laws. Any violation of these laws by a subscriber will be considered a breach of Hostereo policy. Additionally, by signing the Service Agreement, subscribers agree to indemnify Hostereo in case of legal action taken against the company due to the subscriber’s actions. This means the subscriber will be responsible for paying any damages and legal fees incurred by Hostereo. Hostereo aims to be a responsible member of the internet community and is committed to ensuring compliance with laws and policies. If you have any concerns regarding a subscriber’s adherence to this AUP, please sent info to hostereo.com.

Refund Policy for Prepaid Services

In the event that a user pays for a prepaid service partially with credit (gift funds) and partially with their own funds from their balance, the following refund policy applies upon cancellation of the service:

The residual value of the service will be reimbursed proportionally. The portion of the service paid for with credit (gift funds) will be refunded to the user’s credit balance. The portion paid for with the user’s own funds will be refunded to their personal balance.

This policy ensures that users are fairly reimbursed in the same form of currency they used for payment, maintaining the integrity and balance of financial transactions within our services.

Resource Suspension for Unpaid Services

Should a user have an active prepaid service as well as an unpaid postpaid service with an outstanding invoice, we will proceed to suspend the user’s resources in the general order of operations. This suspension will occur regardless of the service being prepaid, with its deactivation and subsequent removal of such resources following the standard procedure.

Promotional Credits and Offers

Hostereo is pleased to offer promotional credits to new subscribers. As part of this promotion, each new subscriber may receive a $150 credit as a welcome gift upon registration. This credit is applied directly to the subscriber’s account and can be used toward any of Hostereo’s services.

Important Notes Regarding the Promotional Credit:

1) Expiration: The $150 credit is valid for 30 days from the date of account registration. Any unused portion of the credit will expire and be removed from the subscriber’s account after this period.

2) Non-Transferable and Non-Refundable: The promotional credit is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other form of payment. It is intended solely for use with Hostereo’s services and cannot be refunded.

3) Usage: The credit can be applied to cover service fees, including hosting plans, add-ons, and other applicable services available through Hostereo.

4) Restrictions: The credit cannot be used to pay for setup fees, domain registration fees, or any other non-service-related fees.